
Emotional Octane

Emotional Octane

There is a commonly agreed upon belief in the Law of Attraction community that what we focus on, grows. The concept behind this is that thoughts create things, and the more thought you offer on a subject, the more energy you are giving it. Simple enough. But there’s more to it (isn’t there always?).

I belong to a couple of Abraham-Hicks meetups. For those who don’t know, these are people getting together to watch or listen to some materials presented by Esther Hicks, a channel for a non-physical energy source. The lessons are often profound.

The Abraham teachings can become dogma for some people. Not because they are presented in a way that encourages that, but because some people would rather not question. They don’t like to dig deep. They don’t want to know if what they believe isn’t true. They LIKE the comfort of the Matrix. So, if (in this case) Abraham just doesn’t address a subject, THEY just don’t address it, either.

Abraham’s teachings are great. They provide a terrific foundation for happiness. But, there are some inconsistencies and contradictions to be found. There are also topics that either don’t get addressed, or are basically glossed over.

All of this is to say that we ALL should be questioning what those who we hold up as authorities tell us. Not to find fault, but to be sure it’s correct and unbiased and complete. Which brings me to the point of this piece.

Don’t focus on stuff you don’t like

What you focus on, grows, so don’t focus on stuff you don’t like. This is one of the core components of the Law of Attraction, and these are the words you hear from many who study it. But, the language is… incomplete. It’s surface. It doesn’t fully address what is a deeply layered subject.

To be fair, Abraham does go deeper, though not always. The followers, however, rarely do. They just parrot the sound bite. I’d like to contribute an additional idea. <GASP!>

Simple focus does not direct much energy toward anything. Try looking at a plant in your house for 30 seconds every day for 30 days, without trying to give it any special recognition or encouragement or anything else. Just view it. Take note of its colors, shapes, patterns, but don’t apply any judgments. You can do this same thing with a glass of water, or food in the refrigerator, or almost anything.

What you’ll find is that not a lot happens. The plant may or may not get a little larger. Some of its colors might change a little. The water in the glass will evaporate somewhat, of course, and the surface may gather some dust. The food in the fridge will likely show the most obvious change, but even THAT will not be outside of what you’d expect if it had been there WITHOUT being noticed for that same time period.

Now repeat the experiment, but with intention. Put some emotion into your viewing. Decide to feel love toward these objects. Or hate! Really get behind it, though. Really TRY to feel this way.

Experiments have shown that your plant will either flourish or wither, the water will stay clean and refreshing or turn dead and stagnant, and the food will either slow or increase the speed of its aging process. Why does this happen?

The ‘why’ is easy to answer: emotion. Emotion is the fuel of change. Think of it like octane ratings for gasoline. The stronger the emotion, the higher the octane rating, and the better the performance of the engine it’s used in.

But HOW does it work?

The ‘how’ has little-to-no scientific explanation, to my knowledge, but I’ll share my own perspective…

A question popped into my head one day, for some now-unknown reason; How much dark matter is there? We’re all familiar with the concept of matter. In the most simple of definitions, if you can see it, it has (or IS) matter. Matter is what “things” are made of.

I’d heard of dark matter before. Something that exists all around us, and throughout space, meaning that there is no emptiness anywhere. But, I wanted to know the balance of each; what percentage of the universe was dark matter? 10%? 20%? More?

A quick Google search brought an interesting answer, courtesy of our friends at NASA: what we would call normal matter makes up about 5% of the universe. Whoa! So, dark matter is 95% of the universe? Not so fast, young man. Not so fast. As it turns out, dark matter is about 27% of the universe. 5 + 27 = 32. Even using Common Core hocus pocus, that still leaves 68%! What!???

Enter dark energy

According to NASA, there is something called dark energy, and they are attributing the balance of what makes up the universe to that. We’ll come back to this in a minute, but this is where things get REALLY interesting…

Matter (more correctly, it’s mass, but that’s close enough for this conversation) has gravity (a force, by the way, that Science still does not understand). Generally, the more matter an object has, the more gravity it has. The Earth has a fairly large amount of gravity, relative to our everyday activities. This is why a bullet shot from a gun returns to the ground (and is actually slowing down from the moment it is released); the gravity of the Earth pulls it back.

Now consider the Big Bang. There is an explosion, and uncountable pieces of matter are blasted out with immeasurable force. Viola! The Universe. Enter the conundrum…

We should be slowing down!

According to the properties of gravity, just like the bullet returns to the ground, all of the pieces of the universe should be slowing down (and putting on their best protective gear) in advance of the Big Collapse. Instead, the expansion is accelerating! And no one knows why.

Albert Einstein was an alien

I’m sure of it. The guy was thinking about things (and coming up with explanations!) that most of us could never even dream of. Dark energy is one of them.

Einstein realized that empty space is not empty. It has properties. He also posited that it is possible for more space to come into existence. In NASA’s own words:

Then one version of Einstein’s gravity theory, the version that contains a cosmological constant, makes a second prediction: “empty space” can possess its own energy. Because this energy is a property of space itself, it would not be diluted as space expands. As more space comes into existence, more of this energy-of-space would appear. As a result, this form of energy would cause the universe to expand faster and faster.”

There’s more, of course, but when I read this, it seemed like a possible answer to another question I’ve had: How could the tiny amount of energy projected by a human thought go far enough, or have enough impact(?) somewhere, to cause “things” to happen?

Well, what if dark energy is the answer? What if it works in opposition to gravity, repelling matter? Something like trying to force the ends of two magnets together when they have the same polar charge. This is what Einstein suggested was happening to the rest of the universe, right?

What if the way it works is this… A thought occurs in your mind. As an energy form, it’s not restricted to the bone cage of your head, so it travels outside to the rest of the universe. Remember what NASA just told us about “empty space”? Hold your palm up in front of you. What do you see? Empty space? No! What you really “see” is dark matter and dark energy.

The mechanism of dark energy takes the energetic potential of that thought, and blasts it along in all directions, faster and faster, stronger and stronger, until…!

The Emotion Factor

Now let’s add some emotion to that original thought. Let’s assume you’re seriously pissed off about something. THAT thought is energetically bigger and stronger than any offhand daydream. That’s a 92 octane thought. NOW you’re giving dark energy a lot more potential to work with, and when it applies its own forces, the results are multiplied immensely.

It might be helpful at this point to come up with a reference mechanism. Let’s use some experimental math. It’s only useful to make a point, so don’t take this to school.

Let’s say that:

  • An 87 octane daydream thought provides a manifested result of X
  • An 89 octane moderate desire thought provides a manifested result of X10
  • A 92 octane serious desire thought provides a manifested result of X1000
  • A 110 octane (racing fuel level) thought provides a manifested result of X1,000,000,000,000

It’s the same as compound interest at the bank. Same interest rate, but start with a larger amount, and your results are exponentially better.

What do you think happens when more than one person focuses on the same thing, and with the same emotion? How about LARGE numbers of people?

Here’s another way of looking at this… Thinking the same thought 5 times brings 5 times the results of thinking it once. But, increasing the emotional level of the thought 5 times brings 1,000 times the results.

Or, 1 person moderately excited about a goal brings certain results. 5 people moderately excited brings 5 times the results. Those same 5 people super excited bring insane results!


So, when you want to manifest something in your life, remember that simple focus is not enough for significant results. Instead, take advantage of the properties of dark energy. Generate some emotion around what you want when you focus on it. The greater the emotion, the greater your results will be.

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