Hello, I'm
Tim C Star
*Speaker *Author *Podcaster *Mindset Missionary

I love life
About Me
I’m a regular guy who lost a long-term job with a phone call out of the blue. “Today’s your last day. Go home.” As a result of this experience, I teach kids AND adults how to expect – AND HAVE INFLUENCE OVER – the inevitable curve balls of life.
CLICK HERE to get the full story.
STUFF IS GOING TO HAPPEN! But, it doesn’t have to be as painful or debilitating as we have been led to believe.
Reading Material
Every once in a while, I get the urge to put some thoughts on “paper”. THIS IS WHERE I share them. It’s a good place to get a better idea of the way I approach life.
Let's talk
I’m always interested in talking about potential speaking opportunities, especially if they involve helping kids to realize more of their potential. GO HERE to send me a message.
And thanks!